
The Match Book is the first of its kind: a comprehensive archive of women’s wrestling matches, spanning 1983 to present. Its mission is simple: make women’s wrestling easier to discover, watch and share.

To find a specific match, use the form on this page and follow the instructions.

Prefer to discover matches randomly? Visit this page, which will pull up a random match on every reload.

On every match page, there is an option to add that match to a personal list. You can use this to create lists of favorite matches or keep track of matches you want to watch. To do so, you need to first register and log in. Your lists will be accessible on the My Lists page.

The Match Book also has a customizable Notion template to help you track the matches you watch.

If you know of a match that’s missing from the archive, have discovered a broken link or want to share an additional way to watch a specific match, let us know via the contact form.

Note: The Match Book is an inclusive archive and includes matches from any female-identifying or gender nonconforming wrestler.